Re-Make A Scene – L3

For this project I am analysing The Shining’s ‘Baseball Bat Scene’. Below I have linked a video to the scene, however it is 4:48 mins long so I have decided to analyse it all as it is the same story and setting throughout this way if this scene is chosen by my group we can decide which half to film.

I love the build up in this scene, it has everything a psychopathic horror film should have, from the in sync strings when he hits the pile of paper, to the mental breakdown before the climax on the stairs, tension and fear is built amazingly from the start.


The costumes are as you’d expect for a family secluded in the hills, they are winter worker theme (checkered shirts, dungarees, turtle necks etc). The genre of the film is ‘Psychological Horror’ and this is shown superbly in Jack Nicholson’s acting, in the build up of this scene we see a intimidating Jack grow threatening to his wife, we also witness his mental breakdown and fall into insanity as he becomes repetitive, sarcastic, an often imitates his wife’s responses to his answers in an almost comedic manner however we can see this is no laughing matter, this is a downfall in his mental state, after this he becomes angered and questions his wife on his mental state and wellbeing in a frustrated, angry and violent manner, the acting in this scene is incredible (something that cant be recreated in my opinion as its too good). Lighting is also simple daylight throughout the scene with some standard indoor lighting, mainly natural light though as artificial light is only seen in the scenes on the stairs. There is no make up used (that I can see or that is obvious) however Wendy does appear to be sweating from fear throughout the scene, this could be replicated with the use of water and or highlight if need be however it is not very necessary, the props are also very basic as to make this scene you would need a stack of paper, a baseball bat, possibly a typewriter and that’s it, the setting is also a hotel and the main stairs as this is where the scene builds up to so that would be the ideal setting to film however a hall would also be suitable.

Techincal Codes

The editing is very simple in this scene as it doesn’t use any special effects, fancy transitions etc it keeps it simple yet effective, however sound, strings in this scene predominantly, build fear and tension in their simple yet effective way they are executed the camera shots mainly used are a mid shot which follows each character (Jack and Wendy) as they move their way through the hall towards the stairs, however when approaching the stairs the camera works its way into an over the shoulder style shot.

When ‘The Shining’ was originally released, the BBFC rated the film 18yrs+, however this was scaled down upon the release of the extended cut in 2012 to a age rating of 15. Because of this I presume the usual restrictions would apply when being shown on TV, if being aired on Free TV I have no doubt it would have to be shown after the 9PM Watershed.


The cinematography of this classic scene is simply timeless in the way that nothing like it has ever been shown the same way in a psychological horror since. The smooth tracking mid shot throughout which transitions into a over the shoulder looking down on to Jack while on the stairs is very effective and subliminal in showing how jack is inferior in this situation (also underestimating mental health also) as he just looks crazy and violent yet the cause of this is much deeper. The smooth mid shot which tracks Jack and Wendy when they’re talking is also very effective in building up tension while both characters make their way to the stairs and then when the camera slowly slides behind Wendy for the over the shoulder shot the camera looks down on Jack which in my opinion shows how he is physically inferior in this moment as Wendy has a baseball bat and is further up the stairs, however mentally Jack is much more superior with his psychotic, violent tendencies. This physical inferiority is also shown with the over the shoulder shot from behind Jack on the stairs as it looks up to Wendy, showing she is physically inferior with the weapon and her position over Jack. But the facial expressions are very opposite to their actions, for example, Wendy is clearly very scared and fearful of Jack (hence the weapon) and she is in tears of distraught as she tries to get away, whereas Jack is being very sarcastic, patronising and (trying to be) persuasive to calm Wendy down (to most likely kill her) ands the use of the camera angles only help show these with great detail, something that will never be perfected again in my opinion.

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Tracking Mid Shot as she tries to walk away from a deranged Jack.
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A psychotic Jack as he pursues a distraught Wendy, the beginning of his psychotic and violent downfall.
The shining 1
The infamous stair scene which shows Jack’s confusing mix of reactions due to his mental health as he peruses Wendy who is defending herself with a baseball bat physically inferior.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Final showdown scene remake

Our group decided to make the final showdown scene from ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ originally pitched to our group by Liam. Below is all paperwork and entries about production and thoughts on the final film.



Here is all the pre production work that went into making the film, before actually making the film!


Storyboard 1Storyboard 2Storyboard 3

Here is the storyboard which shows the whole scene frame by frame so we get the best idea for what needed to be filmed and in what order everything needed to be filmed on the day as we as a group wanted to get filming in one day as we were filming at a location we had to pay to travel to and the weather could be very temperamental as it was a seaside town (luckily this went to plan).

Cast and Crew sheet

We also made a cast and crew sheet, however for the timeframe we were given we struggles to get actors so we had to improvise and use ourselves. However on a good note that did make it easier to add our details and made it easier for us to sort out who was doing what etc.Screenshot (177)

Production Sheets

Before we could film we had to assess the location and the risks that could occur during filming and how we could prevent these from affecting the production.

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Then finally we sorted the production after we decided what days would be best to film and edit etc. Once we had all decided I made and got the people acting in the production to sign a consent form so we could film everyone with permission and care free.

Consent form 1Consent form 2Consent form 3

And finally the Production Schedule which is very basic but was also very accurate and helpful during filming, we finished everyday in accordance to the schedule so despite its simplicity it is very accurate.

Screenshot (174)Reflection on Pre Production

Pre Production work was completed very quickly and the lack of time can be seen in the work, considering this was only a 2 week project the pre production work has been done to a decent standard. However fault lies in the lack of photos for the location reccy and a lack of consideration in the risk assessment (due to time and travel restraints) if we had more time we could’ve gone to the location prior to filming to assess it properly etc. But for the time given it is suitable and assisted the production heavily before, during and after filming.


Production was a success, it was all filmed within college hours at a further location so time management was great, the weather was amazing and really helped with the mise-en-scene for the scene we were remaking and it was a fun day in general just filming and having a laugh (especially when applying my beard). However filming was delayed as we were filming in a public place so people would often be in the background but this was solved by simply waiting and re shooting if need be, another issue in production was props and costuming as we only had 1 hat so Liam masked himself into a scene so that solved that but also we lacked costumes suitable and or similar to the original but we made do and it doesn’t look too bad, we’ve come to the conclusion after watching the footage that it is a remake with a comical twist!


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